Resellers (instruction for resellers)
1. Download the archive (“Resellers_FILES v3_Arahoster”) and Unzip it to your desktop.
2. Upload the folder “modules” content to WHMCS_root/modules/registrars.
3. Upload the folder “includes” content to WHMCS_root/includes/hooks.
4. Go to WHMCS Setup>> Domain Registars >> Active Arahoster
5. Fill the right details from the Sellers site
a. Sellers URL : Required
b. SecretKey: The reseller’s secretkey. ( After we active your reseller account you will get it). Required
c. Username: The reseller’s e-mail that uses when log-ins to Arahoster client area. Required
d. Password: The reseller’s password that uses when log-ins to Arahoster client area. Required
e. Check the ActiveOrder option to change the status order from Pending to Active if is paid after
renew/transfer/register actions. Recommened
f. AddFee: Adds the domain cost as transaction fee and this helps to have more realistic stats about
your income ( Optionally )
*PS: Remember to contact us first to active your reseller account.